David Vap of Yellowstone Growth Partners has been referring me WordPress work for years, so when it came time for him and his partners to build a new website the work came to me. They didn’t really want anything too complicated, they only wanted a one-page site that showed who they were, maybe a testimonial or two and shows off the companies they were responsible for advising.
I started combing through my WordPress themes to see which one closely matched what the client requested and settled on this one-page design. They already had a logo so I picked the color scheme based on the colors from the logo to ensure the overall branding in the logo came out in the website design. Once all of the decisions on content had been made I got to work gathering the logos from all of the companies they represented, I had to make sure they all followed a similar standard on the tiles and resized for spacing and size. Once everything was in place I was able to finish this site within a few days.